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Reporting Portal takes Intellectual Property very seriously. We work with legal authorities to protect our customers & sellers and take action against every infringement.

By submitting a notice of infringement, you are initiating a legal process. Fraudulent or abusive notices, or other misuse of’s Intellectual Property Policy may result in account termination or other legal consequences.

To report infringement on, you must be authorized to act on behalf of the intellectual property owner.

Once your report has been sent, our team will investigate and will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Please note that will provide a copy of this notice to the affected member.

Consider that the following reasons to report a listing are ineligible:

  • Wanting to control where a product is resold by trying to enforce contracts or distribution of goods to authorized sellers (selective distribution).
  • Not allowing the sale if items are below a controlled price point (minimum advertised pricing or MAP).
  • Any terms a brand puts into their contracts that controls the way items are resold (contractual issues).
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You declare that content on violates intellectual property that:

Which intellectual property right is allegedly being infringed?

This can be your full name or the name of the organization or client who you are authorized to represent.
What are you reporting?
*This can be a URL leading to examples of the work on the web. If the work isn’t online, describe it in detail.
Which of these best describes the copyrighted work?